Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Hi Jammers! Its heidei again and here is some awesome news! The update came out with an awesome app! Its called AJ Jump!
YES! Finally! 
The app is $1.99 in case anyone is wondering what these 'low price' is
Can't wait for the new adventure! See you in Jamaa!

Friday, December 6, 2013

For You that Don't know why People Don't like the Diamond Shop

Okay, well, for some players who have been playing sience 2006, you should understand this. Imagining being the most rare or beta person on Animal Jam. Now imagining the shop comes in, and has all these things, that make you look plain. That is how some people feel. The good part about it now, is that you can exchange diamonds for gems, and like get  jamaaliday gifts from last year. But still, you used to feel so rare with a spike collar, a fox hat, and lets say a glove. Then lets just say, you feel really happy. Then suddenly you see others wearing the same thing, and you feel like poop. Thats what most people feel.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Update Two for the Jamaalidays

                           Alright Jammers, its heidei again, and Animal Jam has an update, here it is!
Yay! Deer are here! 
I checked it out, and the gifts in the Diamond Shop are really cool! 
The Armor is awesome! 
Awesome! I want to see the new adventure, too bad I'm not a member! 
Wow, I really want to know what that is about!

I also have a cool footage of the deer prancing around in Jamaa! 

See you in Jamaa!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

New Party??

Hey jammers! Its me, heidei again, and I'm just wondering, is there a new party? Yes, well, kinda. The Jamaaliday Jam is a cool new party in Jamaa over the holidays.
It normaly is at about nine thirty Pacific time- ten thirty centeral time. 
See you in Jamaa!

Monday, December 2, 2013

The 7 Alphas, and Two Special Guests!!!

First we have Cosmo. He is a koala, and he loves nature, plants, and other things like that. He can also speak to plants, help them to grow, and make hundreds of potions. He and Peak are the two of the youngest Alphas, but the thing he loves the most, is his respect for nature.

Now, we have Sir Gilbert. He is a tiger, and he yearns for peace. He has wondered for many years what it would be like to be a seal, a wolf, a penguin, a girraffe, almost any animal. He is one of the quieter animals though. He tries to make strategic plans, but peck and Gilbert try to 'speed things up', that end up with the alphas and the phantoms in chaos.

Next is Peck, a bunny. She is the newest alpha, and is a great artist. Peck’s hot temper is legendary. When Phantoms appear or her friends are threatened, her artistic exuberance flips instantly to full-throttle attack mode. She believes in striking first and planning later (much later, and hopefully while she’s off doing something more fun). She does though, take mentoring Jamaa's rabbits seriously, in case the phantoms strike agian.

Now Graham is a monkey. He relized that the Alphas did everything the hard way. Once when Liza and a lot of other animals were trying to move a boulder to free the giraffes, Graham just said that they should build a water wheel, and get it out of the way. Sure enough, it worked. 

Greely, the wolf is probaly the least understood Alpha. He spends a lot of his time away from Jamaa, and watching the phantoms. He can move in shadows, appearing anywhere, anytime. He and Sir Gilbert have a grudge against each other. Greely wants to turn the phantoms against each other, while Sir Gilbert wants to take them on head to head.

Liza is one of the most well known Alpha. She helps all the animals start their journey into Jamaa. She has a skill to help bring animals together.

Now for a special guest. Mira and Zios. Legend has it, that Zios was the first god. His name means 'father sky' and he needed someone to help. So he made Mira, name meaning 'mother sky'. They loved each other,  and soon they created what is now known as Jamaa. We have proof that they existed, and maybe still do, at the Temple of Zios and when you enter Jamaa, and go up, you will see the statue of Mira. 

Trolling with GummyUnicorn!

Alright!!! So GummyUnicorn, as you would know, is pretty famous on animal jam. She has so many cool things and is super rare! You gotta see her!!! Here are some very cool images of her den, And I don't even stand a chance with her!!!

Hello Jammers!!!

Hello fellow jammers, I am heidei and I will be doing updates, rumors, trolling, and games. I will be starting with an update on the Jamaalidays and our newest animal!

 I want one, they look cool.

 Cool! Play the games while they last!!
Sounds mysterious yet fun! See you in Jamaa!!!